Friday, January 11, 2008

Where Do You Get Your Ideas?

OK - I must admit I am a frustrated artist wanna-be. But after numerous watercolor, clay, pastel, funky feel-the-movement-of-the-object-as-you-draw, (you get the idea) art classes, I realized being an artist just wasn't going to happen for me.

Then I had children! And we would sit together and do millions of art/craft projects and I absolutely loved working with their things - especially Glitter Glue (you know that fanciful glittery multi-colored in a tube stuff)! And I dare to say that was the impetus for my party planning.

I love playing with what I call "junky-junk." It's the feathers, glitter, ribbon, tulle, shredded paper - OH - I could go on and on! I literally get an excited feeling walking through Michael's!

I started with Children's Birthday Parties and then people began hiring me to work on more adult parties and I had to get a tad bit more serious - a little less glitter and paper!!! Which was still a load of fun.

I definitely have to take field trips into the world for inspiration. A walk through Border's Books, a visit to Hobby Lobby, wandering through my favorite wholesale florist, flipping through a myriad of catalogs I get or perusing inspiring magazines. I really look for things that give me that little - OOOOOOOOOO neat feeling and then my brain takes off.

Where/how do you get "inspired" ideas for parties???? I'd love to hear from you! Try a few of mine and I would love to try a few of yours!

Alas - after working today on more organizational aspects of "The Site" I'll have to count on the Grocery and Ski Shop to give me some inspiration. A Swiss Alps/Hot Cocoa Party Anyone??? Wait - I am working on a winter Book Club with just that feel!!! Hmmmm... life is interesting isn't it?

Take Care,

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