Do you have a granola, sporty friend? Give a Sunflower

An elegant, sophisticated friend? The Orchid is a match

A tried-and-true, loyal, consistent friend? The Rose

An out-going, happy friend? A bright, happy Gerbera Daisy

A friend you can share anything with? The sweet, fresh Tulip

A creative friend always full of neat ideas? The unique Iris

A complex, unique friend? The stunning Tiger Lily

A friend with a sweet, kind personality? The Hydrangea

A strong, courageous friend? The bold, graceful Gladiolus

A unique, exotic friend? The unique, exotic Bird of Paradise

This is a Take Home Gift that your friends won't soon forget. And until you hand them out, you can have them all sitting in an elegant vase or keep boxed in a cool place with an individual water holder.
Here's Hoping all of your Parties are Filled with Special, Meaningful Touches,
I'm not very original but am a great copier of good ideas. I like this one alot!!
This is such a great idea! I am always looking for new ideas and this is a great way to show your appreciation to you friends.
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